Reading & Pondering Today 6-3

image“On the Atonement

When we take full responsibility for the places where we know in our hearts we underperformed in the past, or acted without integrity, or failed to respect opportunities and abundance that once were ours, we experience the miracle of the Atonement.

Atonement is a mental process through which we correct our perceptions, thus changing the trajectory of probabilities that unfold as a result. Atonement is like a spiritual reset button. It is a gift from God, providing us the opportunity to clear the karma of past mistakes by owning them, taking responsibility for them, admitting them, making amends for them, and doing whatever is possible to change the patterns of behavior that created the situations that now cause us shame.

We recognize past errors and pray, “I am willing to be different than I was before. Please show me how.” The universe then corrects all limitations caused by our wrong-minded thinking. Guilt dissolves from our minds as thoughts of mercy and love replace it.”

Excerpt From: Williamson, Marianne. “A Year of Miracles.”

About anitaskocz

ANITA JOYCE SKOCZ is a storyteller who resides in Central Florida. She credits her passion to her father, who dazzled her imagination as a child with his gift to weaver a tale. After a diving accident in 1978, Anita left the travel industry to journey the inner roads of her soul. The riches found on those adventures inward come to life in her children’s books. Anita’s books, “Crystal Star Angel” and “Kite Tale,” were inspired by the loving relationships her father had with his grandsons. From Where I Sit is a blog where Anita shares her life’s stories, or comments on current events from her soul’s perspective. Her insights can evoke laughter as well as take one on a reflective journey. In any case she hopes you join her each Wednesday for a new adventure.
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